My "Highs":
Reading Lil April Rose's Blog and knowing her heart rate was in the 130's; being able to have a car to drive this weekend; thankful that Emma's speech teacher thinks she may be able to be in a "normal" kindergarten come September; having all three of my girls that I never expected to have because I was told I would never have children; living to this ripe old age (I know so old) of 31 when I have survived a pituitary tumor, a spinal cord tumor, and the regrowth of the pituitary tumor. God is good... He listens to our troubles, He listens to our prayers for others..... He is good!
My "low's":
Not knowing what is going to happen the next time I go to the doctor's; not knowing if Allison will also need Speech therapy like my little Emma receives (she will be two Saturday and only speaks 23 words); wishing my father were still here and not looking forward to the anniversary of his death, April 29th; wishing I could provide a more stable financhial "bed" for my children; working a PT job at Walmart because I was laid off of my good paying job and Walmart pays more than unemployment would; not knowing how I am going to pay the bills next month
Sorry to hear about you getting laid off. As hard as it not to worry keep your faith my friend. God will provide, he never lets His children go without.