Handsome lil' Stellan. Such a trooper! His mom has more strength and faith then any person who I have known in real life. Although this is about someone who I read about on the internet, I feel since I began reading about this lil' boy that he has made a way into my heart. He has made away into ALOT of hearts. I pray that the doctors can find what needs to be done for this handsome lil' man and that he continues to grow, thrive, and fight!

Lil' April Rose, not yet born. Diagnosed with a condition known to be fatal. So many prayers..... I have read a few stories of children diagnosed with Trisomy, but only read one that the child made it past three months and then passed on.... I pray that this child continues to grow in her mother's womb and is able to survive her birth and grows into a beautiful lil' girl. Let this child be a miracle! Let this happen for this family!
The I look at my three munchkins.......
Kayla Anne born 9/15/01 4 days after September 11th

Emma Rose born May 2, 2004

Allison Jade born April 25, 2007 with an IUD in place and three and a half weeks early

Three Lil' Miracles

These three children I NEVER thought I would have. At the age of 17 I was told pregnancy would be impossible based on my medical history (multiple ovarian cysts and a pituitary tumor which made my hormones screwy). I did miscarry right before my 18th birthday, so I thought the doctors could be wrong. Then I married at 19 and we tried and tried and tried. Nothing! We divorced because my exhusband was very controlling, very mentally abusive. I fell in love with a man who I had known the whole while I was with my ex and lo and behold became pregnant fairly quick! Then three years later along comes Emma and three years later, Allison with an IUD in place no less. This just shows me that God is good. He listens to our prayers..... He provides in our darkest times and helps us make the decisions we need to.
Whenever I have times of trouble, I turn to Him. He is the one who guides me to the decisions I need to make. I am a very Christian person. Do I consider myself worthy of some of His graces, no. I feel I am a sinner like many others in the world. But He forgives. He loves us. When everyone else turns their back, God is always there. He has helped me in extraordinary ways and my gift to others is to pray for them. To give to them if they are in need of not only prayers, but material items as well. I am not a rich woman, far from it, but I love to help people and be there for others. I thank the Lord He has given me the patience and the understanding to do what I need to do on a daily basis.
I add the patience part because I am the mommy of a child with developmental delays. My daughter Emma has a speech delay and fine motor issues. She is a trooper! Working so hard with her therapists to overcome her difficulties. She teaches me so many things and for that I also thank God for giving me a child who shows so much love for people in a world full of hate.
I ask anyone who may read my blog to sit and think about your life. Talk to the Lord, whomever your Lord may be. I know not all people out their are Christians. We have a world of many faiths. Think about what the Lord has done for you and what you can do to give back to Him. To give back to others. Doing for others and having my children are the most rewarding things in this life for me and I wouldn't trade it for any amount of money in the world!
God Bless~
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