Friday, May 1, 2009

Health, Anniversaries, Birthdays... OH MY!

This past week has been such a whirlwind. April 25th was my Allison Jade's second birthday.


Very uneventful for a second birthday because I had to work. Her first birthday also uneventful because we were on our way home from vacation which was Memphis,Tennessee with her Nana and Grampy (Grampy LOVES Elvis). I feel terrible for her not being able to experience a real birthday, but both years funds have been very low. She is sharing a party with her older sister, Emma this weekend. Emma's birthday is this Saturday, May 2nd and she will be five (going to work on a montage for her... more on that later).

Next comes the doctor's appointment. I have been having issues with my piuitary gland for awhile now. I was diagnosed with a tumor in 1997, right before my father passed away. I didn't tolerate medication, so in 1999 they removed it and it was benign. Well, now here I am again in 2009 and it has regrown. It is significantly smaller, but it has only JUST started to grow back. Having this tumor cause issues with, well, "womanly" functions. Those issues have resurfaced. I thought it was because of the tumor and the doctor ordered blood work and an ultrasound to rule out any tumors, cysts, etc. "in the womanly organs". Needless to say, those all came back NORMAL! Thank God for that, but now I have to go to MORE doctors to find the answers to what is causing all of these new "issues" I am having.

Wednesday, April 29th, was the anniversary of my father's passing. TWELVE YEARS! I can hardly believe twelve years have gone. Still to this day, I miss him more than ever. I know that I will see him someday in Heaven because he was a goodman. He may have had some faults, but we all do, right? I spent the greater part of my lunch hour at the cemetary. I don't go there as often as I used to, but there are just some days that I go and sit by the stone, reflect on life and what is going on, and "talk" to my father. It may sound strange because I know the body is no longer here, but I feel "at peace" when I am there. I don't have anxiety, I don't worry about everything, it's just me, the trees, the sound of birds, the breeze, my father's presence (oh have I felt it), and the Lord. Here is an older pic of my father and my grandmother (his mom). I love this picture! He loved his family and you can tell by how he is holding onto my grandmother and OH did she love him too!


Now, it is Friday and Emma Rose's Fifth birthday is closing in. Five years ago I was already IN labor! Emma's labor was nearly thrity six hours long. She was a lil' bugger and didn't want to come out. They had to give me Pitocin to bring her down. But, I persevered and she was born on May 2, 2004 at 11:30am. She was my lil' hambone weighing 8lbs. 2.5oz and was 20 inches. She never cried... and I mean NEVER! Not even a whimper. She just came out and looked around. I look at this child and she has overcome SO many obstacles in her life. She failed her hearing tests, but eventually passed. The hair that moves sound waves in our ear was "stiff". She had speech difficulty, but has made leaps and bounds with her speech teacher. She has fine motor difficulty, but she is also overcoming that. She is still a very SENSITIVE child and has her tantrum moments, but I love her more than life herself. On her "bad days" I just want to cry because I try and comfort her during her tanturms or try to find a way that she won't tantrum, but I haven't found an answer. I am still looking for an answer as to how and why. Again, I turn to the Lord for that!

It's been a whirlwind week with blog reading also..... Lil' April Rose
not yet born and with SO Much against her keeps getting STRONGER! Here mom's belly GREW after not growing for three plus months and they said she wouldn't grow any bigger. They said her heartrate would only get lower and now it's in the 130's and has been for two weeks plus. Is this the Lord's work. Is He listening to all these people who follow April's mom's blog that aren't her "real life" friends and all the prayers for a miracle? Only time will tell!

Lil' Kayleigh.... such a fighter and beautiful baby girl! Now she is having so many problems. The doctor's have basically declared her "brain dead" but her parents just want to be able to take her home, have family time, let her be in the room they prepared for over nine months ago, and be at home with her family when she passes... IF and when she passes.

So many blogs I follow. I try to read each daily, but between three kids, my work, it gets hard. But even if I don't get around to reading the blog, I still think and pray about each situation, each person affected daily. I have always been the type of person to put my own needs to the side and focus on others. So in closing, I wish everyone nothing but the best. I pray the Lord continues to hear your prayers, my prayers, your friends prayers, and heeds to your wishes, grants you your miracle, or simply gives the comfort you need in a time of need.

This has been a busy week (a rough week), but I have gotten by on prayer and my chidlren's laughter!!!!

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