Lil' Kayleigh born at only one pound and fought for eleven moths gave up her fight last night. Her parents had eleven months with her, but none could be spent at home because of the fragility of her health. her parents dream was for Kayleigh to pass at home, but her lil' body just became more and more weak. My heart breaks for this family. I have never lost a child, but I could not imagine what the pain must be like. I was talking to a friend of mine via IM and she said "Miangel welcomed her to heaven with open arms". Miangel is a lil' baby who lost her life to SIDS two years ago September 8th. She would have been two this past Friday. I am working on a poem about Kayleigh. I am not sure how it will turn out, so bear with me while I finish it. My heart breaks for her family and they will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers the next few days, weeks, months....... God Bless the Freeman family at this time and always!

Congrats on being a fellow cancer survivor! My heart breaks for the Freeman family.