And the sweet Lil' Angel who has touched so may lives and filled our hearts with her amazing strength, Kayleigh Anne Freeman:

It was an uneventful Sunday. I bought four, pink latex balloons to let go. We decided to do the launch at my future mother-in-law's home because we had not seen them in a week and they wanted to be involved. We arrived there about 2:30p. I go to get out of the car and my mother-in-law says, "A strange thing occured right before you arrived. I was sitting on the back patio and thought I saw a large purple bird (at this point I am asking her how much wine she had, lol) and I went out the door to the woods and found a single purple balloon floating." She saved it and had it tied to her grill.

The girls immediately wanted the balloon. They took turns playing with it and at one point we had to chase it down to the lake across the street because it "drifted".
I readied the balloons for the launch. I filled out the cards and placed them on the balloon.

I removed the heart which was holding the balloons down. This I am placing my bible to remember Kayleigh.

At this point, I was set. We went out to the road because we thought that there wouldn't be anything the balloons could get caught on. In the yard there were TONS of trees.

A plane flew overhead right as we were about to release the balloons. It was flying SOUTH. Allie (holding tight to the purple balloon that found it's way to mother in laws) blew a kiss to the plane and the first balloon released by her big sister, Kayla.

The first balloon drifted east so quick it was hard to keep track!

The second balloon. my lil' Emma's got caught in the tree!!!!

The third and fourth balloons drifted east also, but not as quick!

By this point Michael (my fiance) is throwing a rock at the tree branch that the other balloon is stuck on. I said to him, "Before you give yourself a concussion, stop throwing rocks". He finally stopped. As we are trying to keep track of the balloons as they disappear into the sky, all of a sudden I hear the girls scream, "Look Mommy! The balloon is UNSTUCK!" And I swear as God is my witness that balloon blew out of that branch WITH NO WIND! It flew straight up and when I say straight up, it was so high I thought it would just pop and drop.

But, it didn't. And for some reason when that balloon got as high as it could go, it blew south. THAT is when the tears started flowing. I said, "Dear Lord, is that lil' Kayleigh taking her balloon and grasping it? Is she now sending it south towards her mommy and daddy?"
And that precise moment, the sun shown through the clouds for the first time ALL DAY!!!!!

After the launch was over and we were walking back to the house, the purple balloon all of a sudden "popped". No warning, nothing. It was in the air, string in Allie's hand one second and POP the next!
Releasing those balloons in Kayleigh's memory will live with me for the rest of my life. I may have never personally met her and her family, but they remain on my mind and in my heart everyday!!! God bless the Freeman's for the strength they show. God bless lil' Kayleigh for her strength and determination her 11 months of life. May whomever finds the cards, pieces of paper, etc. from those balloons log onto her website and read her story. May her strength and life live on forever!!!!
The things that happened today such as the purple balloon showing up and popping on it's own, the plane flying south, the balloon getting stuck going straight up and then south, may ALL be coincidences. Or it could all be a lil' girl's spirit who knew how much people prayed for her. How much she was truly loved by her family and all who supported her.
Again, God bless you Aimee and Adam. You truly have the fight and determination that some can only dream of having!!!!!
Marlboro, NY
A picture of some of the family involved. This is my lil' sister Katie who also prayed for Kayleigh, but could not attend our launch, myself (Hope), Emma Rose (age 5), Kayla Anne (age 7.5 yrs. the one who prayed for Kayleigh the day after she passed) and lil' Allison Jade.

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